Richard Howells' Blog

How to show a subset of lookup values in a DropDownColumn

DataGridView – how to show a subset in a DropDownColumn

The standard approach is to add event handlers for CellBeginEdit and CellEndEdit. In CellBeginEdit a new datasources is bound to the dropdown and in CellEndEdit the binding is reversed. Here is a sample from the DataGridVew FAQ.

private void dataGridView1_CellBeginEdit(object sender,
         DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e)


if (e.ColumnIndex == territoryComboBoxColumn.Index)


// Set the combobox cell datasource to the filtered BindingSource

DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgcb = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)dataGridView1
                        [e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];

dgcb.DataSource = filteredTerritoriesBS;


// Filter the BindingSource based upon the region selected

this.filteredTerritoriesBS.Filter = "RegionID = " +

this.dataGridView1[e.ColumnIndex - 1, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();




private void dataGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)


if (e.ColumnIndex == this.territoryComboBoxColumn.Index)


// Reset combobox cell to the unfiltered BindingSource

DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgcb = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)dataGridView1
                        [e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];

dgcb.DataSource = territoriesBindingSource; //unfiltered






In general this approach leads to some code repetition and adds to the general clutter of a Windows Form that uses a DataGridView. It gets EMORMOUSLY more cluttered if there are multiple columns with DropDown's involved.

This helper class presents a more general approach I used in a recent project. The project specified many dropdowns which should only present the user with 'Active' options. The relevant database lookup tables have an IsActive boolean column to distinguish active and inactive rows. The prime data tables do have a mixture of active and inactive values.

The first problem is that the DataGridView requires that a DropDown contain the value held by its prime row. So it is not safe to populate the Dropdown with only active values.

The basic strategy (see the comments in the code) is:

  • Find the cell being edited
  • Save the Value and FormattedValue
  • Find the original DataSource bound to the dropdown (this source must include both active and inactive entries) the code assumes this source is a DataTable
  • Create a new DataTable with only the pruned list of entries in it
  • If needed add the Value and FormattedValue to the DataTable because the DataGridView will be upset if it's not there. Annotate the FormattedValue to discourage the user from choosing it.

Here is the code.

public enum ActiveOnlyDropDownHelperNullOptions { ForbidNull, AllowNull }

public class ActiveOnlyDropDownHelper


ActiveOnlyDropDownHelperNullOptions _nullOptions;

BindingSource _originalBindingSource;

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn _column;

DataGridView _dgv;

string _exclusionFilter;


public ActiveOnlyDropDownHelper(DataGridView dgv,

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn column,

ActiveOnlyDropDownHelperNullOptions nullOptions)

: this(dgv, column, nullOptions, "IsActive <> true")



public ActiveOnlyDropDownHelper(DataGridView dgv,

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn column,

ActiveOnlyDropDownHelperNullOptions nullOptions,

string exclusionFilter)


dgv.CellBeginEdit += dgv_CellBeginEdit;

dgv.CellEndEdit += dgv_CellEndEdit;

_nullOptions = nullOptions;

_column = column;

_dgv = dgv;

_exclusionFilter = exclusionFilter;



private void dgv_CellBeginEdit(object sender,

DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e)


if (e.ColumnIndex == _column.Index)


// Grab the cell we are working in

DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgcb = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)

_dgv[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];


// Grab the current value and its displayedvalue

object currentValue = dgcb.Value;

object currentFormattedValue = dgcb.FormattedValue;


// Get the original data bound to the lookup combo

// - assumes it was bound to a DataTable

// via a BindingSource

_originalBindingSource = (BindingSource)dgcb.DataSource;

DataTable dt = (DataTable)_originalBindingSource.DataSource;


// Copy that DataTable so we can change it

dt = dt.Copy();


if (_nullOptions ==



var row = dt.NewRow();

row[dgcb.ValueMember] = DBNull.Value;

row[dgcb.DisplayMember] = "Null";




// Remove the rows that are unwanted

DataRow[] deadRows = dt.Select(_exclusionFilter);

foreach(var deadRow in deadRows)




// The DataGridView will throw an exception if the

// prime data has a look up value that's not in the

// dropdown's list.


// If the current value is missing from the drop down then

// add it - with an anotation

if (dt.Select(dgcb.ValueMember + " = " + currentValue).Length

== 0)


var row = dt.NewRow();

row[dgcb.ValueMember] = currentValue;

row[dgcb.DisplayMember] = currentFormattedValue +

" (Inactive)";




// Bind the dropdown to the pruned list.

dgcb.DataSource = dt;




private void dgv_CellEndEdit(object sender,

DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)


if (e.ColumnIndex == _column.Index)


// Return the original BindingSource

DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgcb = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)

_dgv[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];

dgcb.DataSource = _originalBindingSource;






And here is an example of how to use it. Note you don't even need to save the object reference. When the event handlers are attached to the DataGridView that will keep the object alive. If you have multiple dropdown columns in the grid you can keep piling these on.

new ActiveOnlyDropDownHelper(partDataGridView,



"ID = 30");



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