I sold an item on eBay. It didn't arrive. Fair enough it was caught up in the industrial action back then. But still they lost it.
- Posted 2nd October 2007
- I filled in the P58 form on 24 October 2007 (the post office do not consider something lost until 15 working days after you sent it)
- I get a letter dated 27 November acknowledging it and saying that they will investigate and they hope to have an 'outcome' with in 30 days of receipt (wow surely they are already outside that?)

- I forget about it
- 1 May 2008 I think to call them. It is a tortuous process getting through their phone system, but eventually I speak to a human. He'll - 'Talk to the eBay team' but seems to be leaning towards just giving me the £7.99 (was it worth the complaint I ask myself)
- I must call back in 10 days if I have not heard from them. Wow am I looking forward to that.

4May2008 - Update - I am spared the second phone call. Their cheque arrived yesterday.